
Webinar: Reducing the environmental footprint of digital to gain competitiveness

Digital transformation is a priority for many companies and is a critical component of the energy transition. However, its negative impacts on the environment are severely underestimated and can negate other efforts to reduce the carbon footprint. Understanding, controlling and reducing the environmental impacts of a company’s digital services is, therefore, an essential part of its CSR strategy. But how to do it concretely? This introduction to Sustainable IT will summarize the issues, provide practical answers and present the basic actions to be implemented in companies, whatever their size or field.


  • 11:30 Beginning of the webinar
  • 12:30 End of the webinar


  • Olivier VERGEYNST

    Directeur // Bengian Institute for Sustainable IT

Speaker :

  • Olivier VERGEYNST, Director of the Belgian Institute for Sustainable IT is in charge of the program « Towards a “more sustainable” IT », organized by HEC Liège Executive Education and the HEC Digital Lab.

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